Oil prices rose above $82 a barrel briefly, the Canadian dollar is near parity with the US dollar, the Euro rose to $1.4976, the British pound rose to $1.6447 from $1.6370, the U-3 unemployment inches past 9.8%, the U-6 unemployment number* at an astounding 17%, the federal deficit is $1.4 trillion and climbing – moreover, 49 of the 50 states have lost jobs after spending $787 billion on a stimulus package.
So what gives?
According to various Obama administration officials, the President himself and media sycophants – it’s Bush’s fault – still, period. Getting past the last administration’s fiscal irresponsibility is no easy task, but it is becoming burdensome to hear the same excuse without plausible explanation.
At the heart of the economic downturn is not so much as to what transpired in past administrations but what the present one has done and will do. Talk of a second stimulus is being seriously considered, to the chagrin of Wall Street and the engines of the economy at-large.
So what’s next?
In short, key economic indicators are pointing to more of the same or worse. The “D” word isn’t so likely but a “W” shaped recovery is; that is, a recovery that spikes back up then turns downward again. While just last year, economists were debating “U” or “V” shaped recoveries (meaning a slow or quick recovery, respectively), there is now evidence pointing to “W” or “L” shaped models.
So what can be expected?
In the past, recessions were ended by the auto and construction industries – but presently, both industries are two of the worst in the nation. With
Real estate at-large has also been a saving grace in past economic downturns, but with so many commercial properties empty and more becoming idle, it is likely the next part of the economy to collapse.
What’s more is the job market is tail-chasing in a vicious cycle: the lack of jobs means a lack of spending and without consumers buying, businesses don’t hire. Another factor facing small and medium sized businesses is narrower access to loans, quashing any business trying to expand and restraining general economic growth.
Lastly, another portion of
With all of these key indicators, the recession is bound to last unless the administration is willing to give businesses what they need – more freedom and less government regulation. If the administration continues down it’s current path, near or at 10% unemployment will also continue and any recovery is too postponed, much like what is happening right now.
-- The Editors, Killswitch Politick
*U-6 unemployment figure is published by the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics and is comprised of not only the more familiar U-3 unemployment figure, but also includes the unemployed who have temporarily quit searching, the underemployed, and the "marginally attached" workers who have other reasons for not pursuing a job right now.
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